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    You're looking mighty good in the light that now surrounds you.

    Dear Life, thank you for clarity, good mannered strangers, cookies, social media and the wind.

    Most of the great ideas we have in life are born out of the fleeting moments of stillness.

    If you had a "bad" day, don't worry...we all have a re-set (Button) it's called tomorrow.

    The healthiest response to life is joy.

    It is time to love your courage like it is the more precious gold that you've ever been given.

    Face your deepest fear & you will see you are & always have been more powerful than it ever was.

    Pushing ourselves to be the best is an impossible standard. But we can push ourselves, everyday, to be better than the day before.

    Owning your agenda again is the most important thing between those who succeed and those who don't.

    REMEMBER...always act like you're wearing an invisible crown.

    It doesn't really matter if your glass is half empty or half full. Be thankful that you have a glass and that there's something in it.

    People will always follow the heart much more readily than they will follow orders.

    Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.
    当世界上最重要的事情根本没有希望的时候,不断尝试的人却完成了。(Dale Carnegie)

    Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.
    我们最大的荣耀不在于永不跌倒,而在于每次跌倒后都能重新爬起来。 (Confucius)

    The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
    对一个人的终极衡量,不在于他所曾拥有的片刻安逸,而在于他处于挑战与争议的时代。(Martin Luther King, Jr.)

    Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.
    答应我你会永远记住:你要比你认为的更勇敢,比你看上去更强大,比你想的更聪明。Christopher Robin to Pooh – A.A.Milne)
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